A green university always acts for environmental protection

(TVU) – Tra Vinh University is commonly known for its being a community-oriented university. The university has made efforts to develop based on green and sustainable criteria and focus on the ratio of green space and effective energy policies.

The university’s campus is paid much attention, spaciously built and covered with green trees with many effective energy policies such as solutions to make the most of areas on the buildings to gradually use renewable green energy source of solar power through the Inverter system to meet practical research, learning and teaching requirements. The university also installs and operates an air quality monitoring system to assess the cleanliness of the air around the university. In addition, the university has implemented many practical programs and activities to protect and develop a sustainable environment.

Improving the responsibility of the university’s students and teachers in plastic waste management

Tra Vinh University has implemented many programs to raise the awareness and responsibility of students, teachers and the community on environmental protection through the activities related to waste management, collection, transportation and garbage disposal; encourage using environmentally friendly technologies and products; and limit the use of raw materials and fuels that generate a lot of greenhouse gas emissions towards the sustainable development of the university.

The consideration for the environment was expressed through collecting plastic waste, propagandizing about not using plastic straws and not littering plastic waste, sorting out wastes ( by garbage bins), organizing the fashion contest using recycled materials to spread the message “Say no to plastic waste”, organizing the program ” Exchange garbage for gifts” (1 kilogram of rice for 1 kilogram of plastic waste) and plastic waste recycling contests; and displaying the billboards and slogans on the campus of Tra Vinh University to promote environmental protection.

The program of giving glass water bottles to new students with the message: “Each glass water bottle will contribute to reducing plastic waste to the environment, making the environment greener.” 

The program “Exchange garbage for gifts” (1 kilogram of rice for 1 kilogram of plastic waste)
Model of reusing plastic water bottles into garbage containers Model of recycling plastic waste into decorative items such as vases and flower pots

Reuse car tires to make flower pots, recycled playgrounds

Building models of plastic waste containers located on the school campus
Launching the ceremony of “Green Sunday” in 2020 with the theme “Say no to plastic waste.” 

Join the propaganda about not using plastic straws 

Students majoring in Environmental Engineering with the activities to raise awareness of environmental protection, sorting waste at high schools

Collecting plastic waste in public areas and tourist attractions in Tra Vinh city Collecting plastic waste after the Go Ngo race in 2020


Many unique “green start-up” ideas and products of students and lecturers are valuable for human life

TVU students have used the shells of shrimp and crabs to make bio-plastics for producing cups, bowls, and other environmentally friendly products. When being decomposed, bioplastic products recycled from shrimp shells will not create microplastics like primary petroleum-based plastics. These naturally derived products are safe for consumers’ health and environmentally friendly. The students have made many products that are commonly used in daily life, such as cups, plates, spoons, chopsticks, straws, plastic bags, etc.

Cups, plates, spoons, chopsticks, and straws made of shrimp shells

The idea of ​​”Producing paper bags from water hyacinth leaves” created a biological product with the ingredients in water hyacinth leaves that could replace plastic bags and is easy to decompose, safe, and convenient for users.

Truong Thi Kim Thoa is presenting the idea of ​​”Producing paper bags from water hyacinth leaves.”

TVU students used waste plastic and foam materials to build a model of raising fish and growing vegetables on a household scale, creating clean food at home for sustainable clean agricultural development in urban areas. The project effectively recycles plastic waste, creating a clean and environmentally friendly food source. It is also an educational and relaxing model at home during the covid-19 pandemic.

Reuse plastic materials and styrofoam boxes to build an Aquaponics model

Making insecticides from Annona glabra seeds; Applying IoT technology with smart sensor systems and applications running on smartphone platform to improve water use efficiency in rice cultivation in the Mekong Delta.

“Zero plastic waste” is the project of the students majoring in Environmental Engineering of Tra Vinh University under the program of Circular Action Hub, aiming to provide knowledge about plastic waste and climate change to the students, staff, and the community, and to make greenhouses building a sustainable green environment for the community.

Recycling plastic waste and creating a source of materials to build a greenhouse model to grow clean vegetables

Training associated with sustainable environmental development 

Tra Vinh University has established the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology with the most important task of training human resources with high environmental expertise in the fields of Environmental Engineering (starting in 2017), Environmental and Natural Resources Management (starting in 2021), Master in Resource Economics and Sustainable Development (starting in 2022), Master in Environmental Economics and Management (starting in 2022).

The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of Tra Vinh University cooperates with domestic and foreign organizations to send students to practice abroad such as to the Netherlands, through the program Eramus + and MangLub to bring the university’s students opportunities to learn and share experiences with international students through the activities of environmental protection, reusing effectively of plastic waste and turning plastic waste into a new energy source to supplement the natural energy shortage of the global.

Moreover, TVU has put many topics on “Environmental protection skills” into the soft skills modules to teach students of all majors of Tra Vinh University; at the same time, invested in the development of biotechnology industries according to the trend of developing clean agricultural products and safe food, adapting to climate change and sustainably protecting the living environment.

Tran Thi Ngoc Bich, Vice President of the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology, Tra Vinh University, shared: “Environmental education is all about the values ​​​​from practical knowledge, experience and implementation of each location or region. Environmental education cannot separate the values ​​of indigenous knowledge to create and develop sustainably. Emphasis on simultaneous global education, local environmental education, and commitment to concrete action: “Think global, act locally.” The ultimate aim of environmental education is to socialize environmental issues, which means to train citizens who are aware and responsible for the environment, knowing how to live for the environment.

“Once environmental issues have been socialized, the economic benefits for the community will increase, the effectiveness of state management will also increase, and the cost burden will be reduced. Therefore, the results of environmental research and remedial methods in many countries worldwide have commonly concluded that there was no economic and effective solution as investing in people through information and environmental education.” Dr. Tran Thi Ngoc Bich affirmed.

Tra Vinh University (TVU) is a pioneer in the whole country signing the Talloires Declaration (2013) committed to building a comprehensive green university. For many years in a row, TVU has been in the top 200 sustainable and friendly green universities according to the UI GreenMetric World University Ranking. TVU ranked 71st in the top 100 universities with positive influence and contributions to society according to the ranking of WURI Ranking, the ranking system of world universities with real impact. 

My Nhien