Biotechnology and environmental engineering students practice in Da Lat

In November 2020, the Center for Biotechnology and Environment, Faculty of Agriculture – Fisheries, Tra Vinh University organized a trip to visit and practice in Da Lat, Lam Dong province for students majoring in biotechnology and environmental engineering.

The TVU delegation included 22 students in biotechnology and environmental engineering led by Ph.D. Trinh Ngoc Ai – Deputy Head of Faculty of Agriculture – Fisheries, Director of Center for Biotechnology and Environment and the other lectures.

On this occasion, students from two majors of biotechnology and environmental engineering have visited and studied at leading places in biotechnology and high-tech agriculture such as Da Lat Nuclear Research Institute, Da Lat Hasfarm Company Limited, Ho Chien Thang Vietfarm Vegetable Production Company, the laboratory of Dalat University, Yersin University, Da Lat Vocational College, etc. At the same time, TVU students and lecturers have the exchange session with students and lecturers of Da Lat University, Yersin University, Da Lat Vocational College. These are places that are applying outstanding achievements in biotechnology and environmental engineering.

Through this trip, students of biotechnology and environmental engineering have additional experience in the actual microbiological wastewater treatment processes and the processes related to biotechnology, analytical methods in the field of biotechnology and environment, types of equipment used and applied to relevant industries, etc.

Besides, this tour offers meaningful extracurricular learning opportunities, expanding expertise, training more soft skills for students.

Students visit Da Lat Nuclear Research Institute about the process and technique of causing the mutation of plant varieties by irradiation technology and plant tissue culture medium.
Students visit the model of growing vegetables according to VietGap/ GlobalGap standards at Vietfarm Ho Chien Thang – some varieties of vegetables and fruits grown on the farm, the planting process, disease control, and the right time to harvest.

Students visit vegetable and flower farm in Da Lat Hasfarm’s the process of growing vegetables, flowers, biological control system, bio-product production process.
Biotechnology Laboratory of Da Lat Vocational College. Process of Da Lat University’s laboratory meeting 5S standard, wastewater treatment system, solar power generation.
Meeting between TVU teachers and students with Yersin University, Da Lat University, and Da Lat Vocational College.

Ngoc Thu