Dear the scientists, experts and managers from Ministries and ministerial-level Agencies, the Institutions, Agencies, Departments, Academies, Universities, Centers, enterprises,…and whom it may concerns in fields of animal husbandry, veterinary, animal industries, agricultural economics, and environment in Viet Nam and other countries.
Tra Vinh University cooperated with the Asian-Australian Dairy Goat Association to host the 4th Asian-Australian Dairy Goat Conference at Tra Vinh University, Vietnam.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee kindly invites your participation in the Fourth AADGC Conference. Its theme is“Strengthening Development of Dairy Goat Production Adapting to Climate change”
The conference will feature world-class international speakers, tutorials, exhibits, lectures and poster sessions from around the World. Topics include but are not limited to:
1/ Overview on Development of Dairy Goat production for Climate change Adaptation domestically and internationally
2/ Development of Dairy Goat production in the economic integration period.
3/ Overview about dairy goat production from the participating countries
4/ Breeding and Genetics
5/ Feed and Nutrition
6/ Dairy Goat Management
7/ Health and Diseases
8/ Milk and Milk Products
9/ Socio Economic Effects of Dairy Goat
10/ Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Climate Change Adaptation
Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit the abstracts and full-length papers (four pages) for technical content including figures and possible references, and with one additional optional 5th page containing only references. A selection of the best papers will be made by the Scientific Committee for awards.
Paper Publication
The manuscripts will be got the pear review by the Scientific Committee and then the accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings with ISBN number.
DEADLINE FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS: Friday, April 27th, 2018 • 5:00pm Western Indonesian Time (UTC +7)
DEADLINE FOR ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION OF PAPERS: Friday, June 1st, 2018 • 5:00pm Western Indonesian Time (UTC +7)
You may register online