Free to Be Me: Message about confidence from the School of Foreign Languages’ students

On the evening of December 15, 2016, the 13th Get Together with the theme “Free to be me” took place attracting the participation of over 300 students and teachers. The event is organized by the School of Foreign Languages on Campus I, Tra Vinh University.

This Get Together has been taking place as an annually traditional event held since over last ten years.  The program was designed, set up and undertaken by the School of Foreign Languages’ students along with teachers and volunteers from Canada, France and the Philippines.

In this evening event, Rector of Tra Vinh University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh said “Get Together is the annual event organized by the enthusiastic support of the teachers. I sincerely acknowledge efforts and wish the program success.”

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh has enjoyed the brilliant performances for the whole two hours and been impressed by students’ English ability. He closed the event in his speech with his compliments on the professional organization and newly original ideas.

With the theme “Free to be me”, the students greatly showed their creativity and activeness in each performance, lively demonstrated through confidently clever dancing, impressive costumes in the fashion show as well as excellent ability in each scene.

A volunteer from Canada, Ms. Georgina Alonso said: “I really enjoyed this evening Get Together because all of the performances convey their own impression and special emotion to audience.”

Each performance was selected and prepared meticulously with the participation of students including former ones and volunteers of TVU School of Foreign Languages, the Philippines and the Culture and Arts Club.

Dang Thi Hao, student of DA15NNAA course in her performance of “Je vole” with the French volunteer, said: “The success of the program is mostly thanks to our hard practice during three months and the enthusiastic support of the School’s teachers.”

Fourteen performances were filled with overwhelming emotion to hundreds of audience. The perfect ending left warm and cheerful echo. At the end of 2016 Get Together, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Dr. Nguyen Thi Phuong Nam offered acknowledgments to the students and thanked their contribution to its success. The Dean also, with some her last words, gave everybody her best wishes to Christmas and New Year.

By Minh Nhut