Graduation ceremony for doctorate and master’s degrees in 2023

TVU – On July 29, Tra Vinh University holds the first graduation ceremony for conferring doctorate and master’s degrees in 2023, and also the opening ceremony for graduate programs for the April enrollment season.

The ceremony is attended by Mr. Nguyen Van Hieu, a Member of the Standing Committee and Head of the Organizational Committee of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee, along with government department leaders in Tra Vinh, the university’s leaders, fresh Ph.D. and master’s graduates, and new graduate and Ph.D. students.

During this event, Tra Vinh University awards 7 PhDs in Cultural Studies and Business Administration, and 453 master’s degrees in various fields such as Cultural Studies, Theory and Methodology of Language and Literature Teaching, Theory and Methodology of English Language Teaching, Education Management, Construction Technology of Traffic Works, Electrical Engineering, Banking and Finance, Public Management, Business Administration, Economic Management, Accounting, Healthcare Administration, Community Health, Economic Law, Civil Law and Civil Procedure Laws, Constitutional and Administrative Laws, Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Laws, and Information Technology.

Furthermore, the first round of graduate class registration in 2023 has seen 14 Ph.D. students and 313 masters students registering in 19 different fields, including Culture Studies, Rural Development, Business Administration, Economic Management, Accounting, Banking and Finance, Civil Law and Civil Procedure Laws, Constitutional and Administrative Laws, Education, Education Management, Theory and Methodology of English Language Teaching, Theory and Methodology of Language and Literature Teaching, Public Management, Information Technology, Healthcare Administration, Veterinary Science, and Community Health.

Rector of Tra Vinh University, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Minh Hoa extends his congratulations to the 460 new Ph.D. and master’s graduates who have successfully finished their graduate programs in 2023, as well as the 327 new students who have been admitted to the graduate level.

Moreover, on this occasion, Tra Vinh University acknowledges the candidate who achieved the highest academic performance in the master’s program during the April 2023 enrollment season, along with 14 students who have demonstrated excellence throughout the entire course.

By Lan Anh