TVU – 12 May 2016, a group of four Postharvest Technology experts from King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi paid a visit to Tra Vinh University to look into potential joint research activities with the TVU School of Agriculture and Aquaculture.
Giving the delegation a warm welcome, TVU Vice-rector, Dr. Nguyen Tien Dung said: “The flat world allows us to initiate multiple forms of international collaborative projects among universities. I am positive that this official meeting will provide scientists from the two universities with mutual agreements on opportunities for joint research programs.”
On the behalf of the King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Associate Professor, Dr. Chalermchai Wongs-Aree said: “As both the TVU School of Agriculture and Aquaculture and our institutions offer relevant courses in the same field, it would be beneficial for us to establish collaborative partnerships.” Associate Professor, Dr Chalermchai Wongs-Aree was also pleased to inform that the King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi offers annual undergraduate and post-graduate scholarships for students and staff from its partner universities.
Dr. Lam Thai Hung, the Dean of the Agriculture and Aquaculture, expressed his pleasure that top experts in Postharvest Technology from the two universities could not only work together on potential research projects in the field but also develop training curriculum for co-operative education program at post-graduate level.
The Dean invited the research team from the King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi to attend the Vietnam-Hungary upcoming conference held at TVU in September 2016.
Associate Professor, Dr Varit Srilaong delivers his speech at the meeting
Dr. Lam Thai Hung discusses collaboration opportunities with the experts
By: Ngoc-Tai, Huynh – TVU School of Foreign Languages