Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn, an expert on higher education quality assurance, Netherlands visited Tra Vinh University (TVU) and shared experience on educational quality assurance management system

On September 14th, 2012, TVU welcomed Prof. Dr.  Ton Vroeijenstijn and delivered a discussion section on quality assurance system and AUN criteria at workshop 4. Welcoming and working with Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn, there was Ms. Thach Thi Dan, Vice Rector of TVU, on behalf of TVU Board, departments and staff.

Vice- Rector Thach Thi Dan expressed her gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn

(From right to left: 1.Vice Rector Thach Thi Dan; 2. Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn; 3. Ms. Tieu Thanh Thuy, Director of Teaching and Learning Center)

At the meeting, Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn introduced and mastered the discussion about the  concerned issues on internal quality assurance system development in accordance with AUN criteria and international development; developing tools for self-assessment and learning how to  gather evidence. Quality assurance is indispensable in the process of higher education quality maintenance and improvements.

On behalf of TVU Board, Ms. Thach Thi Dan, Vice Rector of TVU, expressed her gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn for his sharing.  Ms. Thach Thi Dan stated that Prof. Dr. Ton Vroeijenstijn’s shared experience is a great contribution to TVU in developing educational quality management system.


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