School of foreign languages’ students get ready for the 20th annual live music show

TVU – The annual program “Get-to-gether” is the live musical show performed in English, French, Chinese, Korean, etc. by Tra Vinh University (TVU) students, mainly the ones from the School of Foreign Languages (SFL).

This music show is the playground for TVU students to show their talents and skills in singing, dancing, performing in drama and fashion. This is a good and practical opportunity for them to exchange ideas, to share joys, to learn from one another, to work in teams, to take responsibility, to be creative, to have fun, to mark their students’ time at both SFL and TVU, and to welcome Christmas and New Year.

This year, the theme of Get-to-gether is “The Harmonie We” to show the harmony of TVU students, teachers, and staff in the local community with ethnic minority groups (Chinese, Indian, Khmer), and in international relations.

To prepare for the upcoming 20th Get-to-gether in 2023, students and teachers finished two stages in the plan.

In the first stage, on October 19th, 2023 the judges who are English teachers selected the four MCs for the 20th Get-to-gether in 2023 among the candidates who are the SFL students. They are Nhu Nguyen and Phung To (two female students from the senior class DA20NNAC, and DA20NNAA respectively), Phat Nguyen and Huy Trieu (two male students from junior class DA21NNAA, and sophomore class DA22NNAB respectively). 

Figure 1: The 4 MCs for “The Harmonie We” Get-to-gether in 2023 (from left to right: Phat Nguyen, Phung To, Nhu Nguyen, and Huy Trieu)

In the second stage, students competed by showing their skills and talent in singing and dancing to their judges. On the evening of October 25th, 2023, students performed 27 songs and dances totally, and the judges selected 14 items to put in the show list for the upcoming performance on the stage. Students and teachers also chose their fashion theme on the 12 animals in the Vietnamese zodiac sign, and the drama telling about schoolmates’ friendship, lifestyle, and desire.

Figure 2: The SFL teachers are the judges to select musical items and MCs for the 20th Get-to-gether music show (from left to right: Thuy Huynh, MA.; Nhung Nguyen, MA.; Tai Huynh, PhD.; Ngoc Trinh, MA.; and Phuong Nguyen, MA.)

To get ready for the third stage, the students are now practising for their first, second, and third rehearsal on November 15th and 22nd, and December 6th. The final rehearsal will be on December 11th for all the songs, dances, drama, and fashion catwalking, and SFL teachers might perform a Christmas song.

Figure 3: Students’ dance in their competition to join the Get-to-gether music show with the theme “The Harmonie We”

The Harmonie We” program will include 14 songs and dances, a fashion show, a drama, and draw lots to give gifts to the lucky audience. The School of Foreign Languages is going to give scholarships to students who have actively participated in the school activities. This Get-to-gether is going to be performed live on the evening of December 14th 2023 at 6:30 pm. at D5 Hall in Campus 1 of Tra Vinh University. Everyone and you are warmly welcomed to this free show.   

By Huong Nguyen  (from SFL)