Seminar on solutions to sustainable construction

(TVU) – In late October, a seminar on solutions to sustainable construction took place at Tra Vinh University (TVU) with the participation of faculty members and students of School of Engineering and Technology.

The seminar was co-organized by TVU and INSEE in Vietnam. The main topic was about the urgent issues in sustainability-driven construction including approaches to advanced technology and solutions to the development of sustainable construction in response to climate change at local areas.

At the meeting, TVU students raised a lot of questions about sustainable construction and INSEE Prize 2019 competition planned by INSEE in Vietnam.

Mr. Nguyen Thanh Dung-coordinator in sustainable construction, INSEE in Vietnam introduced some green buildings of some foreign countries such as India, Singapore, the USA, etc.  He also stressed that in order to reach the goal, the initial step was to develop ideas coupled with close coordination between relevant parties.

This seminar offered TVU students in Construction Major a great opportunity to learn more about some feasible solutions for sustainable construction.

Minh Nhut