Students of Tra Vinh University‎ engaged with job opportunities in Japan

TVU – On July 24, Happiness Union and 6 hospitals in cities including Saitama, Shizuoka, Tokyo – Japan directly come to Tra Vinh University to recruit 19 graduated students in nursing for working in Japan.

In February 2019, the Chief Minister Hiramatsu Shuichi in Fukuoka and Japanese hospital delegation had visited and worked with the university. In April 2019, the two sides have signed a cooperation agreement in selecting, training and recruiting a quality labor for nursing, mechanics, IT, and coordinating to train Japanese in 3 months for 19 nursing candidates so that they are able to reach Japanese level N4 to go and work in Japan. All training costs are also supported by Japanese hospitals.

So far, there have been 6 Japanese hospitals which are ready to receive 19 nursing candidates to Japan to work at the end of this year. At the same time, to prepare well for students to work in Japan, the Fukuaka district has recruited a senior stutent of Tra Vinh University who had worked in Japan to continue to work in Japan to support this group of students.

The students will take care of the elderly from functional rehabilitation, health care, treatment and experience of health care management skills at health facilities in Japan. With this position, the students are entitled to a salary from US $1,300 to US $1,500 along with other regimes such as accommodation support, travel, food and drink allowance.

Danh Thi Bich Ngan, a nursing student shared: “The interview of Japanese enterprises has made me to be more confident in communication in Japanese, and through that I have learnt more about my work. I will do my best to grasp this good opportunity to develop my future career in a developed country as Japan. ”

It is known that in this occasion, there are entrepreneurs specialized in car trade who come to visit and work with the Department of Technology Engineering, Mechanical, and Automotive workshops to receive those graduates from mechanics, automobiles to go to Japan working in Japan.

Up to now, there are over 100 graduates from Tra Vinh University studying and working in Japan. Tra Vinh University is expanding its comprehensive cooperation with partners in Japan to enhance career and employment opportunities for students in mechanical, IT, construction, electricity and automotive industries. The Japanese partners send Japanese teachers to support Japanese language training and join with Tra Vinh University for specialized skills training.