On February 15th, 2012, a workshop on teaching methodology with the theme of “Class observation Method” was held for TVU lecturers by the Teaching and Learning Center presented by Ms. Nguyen Nhu Lieu, Vice Director of the Center. The workshop was attended by more than 20 lecturers of TVU faculties and departments.
In her presentation, by using grouping discussion, Ms. Nguyen Nhu Lieu shared experiences on methods, procedures and analysis of class observation activity. Participating in the activities of the workshop, the participants could gain the knowledge and had more chances to discuss with other partners in their groups.
With the function of support, consultancy on teaching methodology, Teaching and Learning Center usually dilivers seminars and training workshops on this issue for TVU students and lecturers in order to maintain and improve teaching and learning activities effectively for TVU.
Written by: Huynh Sang