The Ceremony for consolidating the success of the summer voluntary youth campaign during the last ten years.

  On August 19, 2011, Tra Vinh University solemnly celebrated the ceremony for consolidating the success of the summer voluntary youth campaign during the last ten years. At the ceremony, there were representatives of the provincial departments, TVU Rector Board, other Heads of TVU department offices and centers and 400 volunteer students of the year 2011.


At the ceremony, Mr. Pham Hai Dang- Secretary of TVU Youth Union, Deputy Head of the Youth Volunteer Campaign of summer 2011 summarized activities of voluntary youth campaign during 10 years from 2002 to 2011. After 10 years, the campaign implemented ​​some activities as propaganda; technology transfer; social work and gratitude work; supporting the new students, providing the high school students with logistic support for their entrance exam, building new cultural life, and developing social groups in the community. The total value of works, as a part of 10 year campaign has benefited the local 5,808,824,000 VND especially contributing to raising awareness to the community.

 Mr. Pham Tiet Khanh , Party Provincial Member, Secretary of TVU Party Committee, Rector of TVU acknowledged the achievements of the campaign during the 10 years. He hoped that TVU staffs and students would maintain the volunteering spirit; continue to promote volunteerism for the community, gratitude activities; pay attention to admitting the Communist Party for students in the campaign; always work closely with units in and outside the school. On this occasion, Mr. Khanh also expressed gratitude and sent the best wishes to the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Committee, the Departments in districts, cities; the families for their supporting to volunteer students in the campaign and gave special thanks to units in and outside the province contributing for the success of the campaign.

On this occasion, the teams and individuals with excellent results during the last10 years of the campaign were awarded Certificate of Merit. Tra Vinh People’s Committee gave Certificate of Merit for TVU staffs; Central Youth Union awarded merit certificates to 01 team and 09 individuals; Tra Vinh Provincial Youth Union gave awards for 02 teams and 09 individuals; 03 teams and 09 individuals were awarded by TVU Party Committee and Rector Board.

TVU Youth Union rewarded 40 volunteer students and Youth

Union Committee received the flowers and souvenirs from the Party Committee, Rector Board of TVU. The Party Committee, Rector Board of the school also gave flowers and acknowledged for units and individuals in and outside the school who have contributed to the success of vo

The ceremony of 10 years of voluntary youth campaign of Tra Vinh Universityclosed in joyful, enthusiastic environment with the spirit of volunteering of TVU Youth, Tra Vinh Youth endlessly singing the marching songs.luntary youth campaign of Tra Vinh University during 10 years.