The visit of Tra Vinh University at ITC (Institute of Technology of Cambodia)

From November 01 to November 05, 2011, accepted the invitation from ITC, the delegation of TVU led by Mr. Le Van Don- Vice Rector of TVU came to visit ITC. Dr. Om Romny- General Director of ITC, other Deputy Directors and lectures of ITC welcomed the delegation. ITC was formed in 1964 with nearly 300 teachers having Doctor, Master degree with many different fields such as IT, Electric, Building, Civil Engineering, etc. ITC has just given two scholarships for TVU students in IT major. The visit at ITC helped TVU have better understanding about the institute facilities, training programs and staff which makes two institutions have closer cooperation in training and exchange teaching experience.

In the afternoon of November 1, 2011, Mr. Le Van Don and the delegation visited TVU students who received scholarships from Vietnam Ministry of Education & Training and ITC at the dormitory. These Vietnamese students are studying at ITC and Royal University of Phnom Penh. Mr. Le Van Don was very pleased when knowing about the students’ good health and their unity in daily life and in school during the time in Cambodia. The student group also expressed their gratitude to the attention of TVU Rector Board and promised to learn better to serve their own country after graduation. They really want TVU leaders give them more concern and create favorable conditions for them to keep in touch with the students who are studying at TVU. The visit of the delegation helped TVU Rector Board and teachers understand more about the living and learning conditions of the students who are studying in Cambodia.

Written by Huynh Trang