Tra Vinh University attends International Conference on Conservation and Biodiversity Research in Hungary

TVU – From 23 to 27, September, 2015, Ms. Nguyen Thi Dau, Head of Department of Husbandry and Veterinary, School of Agriculture and Aquaculture, on behalf of Tra Vinh University (TVU), presented on “Sustainable Livestock Development to 2020 in Vietnam” at the 8th Vietnamese-Hungarian International Conference on Agricultural Research for Development with the theme “Conservation and Biodiversity Research” in Godollo, Hungary by the invitation of Research Centre for Farm Animal Gene Conservation(HáGK).


“The conference provides me more teaching materials and knowledge about precious livestock at HáGK. And I have opportunity to visit exhibition on agriculture as well”, said Ms. Dau.


The 9th Vietnamese-Hungarian International Conference on Agricultural Research for Development with the theme “Agriculture for Sustainable Development” is planning to be organized in Vietnam in November 2016 and hosted by TVU.

Ms. Nguyen Thi Dau delivers her presentation at the conference