Tra Vinh University launches ITHUB programming club for IT students

TVU – On May 23, 2024, to develop students’ learning and skills training movement, the School of Engineering and Technology, Tra Vinh University establishes the ITHUB Programming Club. The event attracts a large number of programming enthusiasts and promises to be a rewarding playground for those who love the field of information technology.

Dr. Vo Phuoc Hung, Dean of the School; Dr. Nguyen Nhut Lam, Vice Dean of the School; representatives of department heads, lecturers, and more than 150 students of the Information Technology Department attends the event.

Mr. Do Dang Khoa, Operations Director of VTI Academy (Ho Chi Minh City Branch) under VTI Group, comes to share his experience and guide students on the process of software project development. The ITHUB Programming Club has been established with the mission of creating a professional learning and exchange environment for students passionate about programming.

In his speech at the program, Dr. Vo Phuoc Hung says: “ITHUB is a place to share and connect programming enthusiasts and help them not only know and use technology but also create technology to contribute to improving new products for society. This is a great opportunity for students to improve their programming skills, stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends, at the same time to improve teamwork skills, practice creative thinking, and solve problems.”

Dr. Nguyen Bao An, Deputy Head of the IT Department and Director of ITHUB, says this is a helpful playground for IT students to improve their programming skills, exchange and learn, and develop their passion for IT. Hopefully, in the future, ITHUB will attract a large number of students, lecturers, and experts who are passionate about programming, making ITHUB grow stronger and become a valuable playground for students.

At the event, Mr. Do Dang Khoa, Operations Director of VTI Academy, shares with students the experience of “A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist”, providing students with real-world experiences of the work of a data scientist, helping them better understand this profession and their future career direction.

Besides, ITHUB members share some topics about the ITHUB club website with NextJS, a website to find a job with NodeJS, building a low-cost web server for students, UI/UX for front-end development, GitHub Action application for automatic code reviews, HiCommit application for solving Olympiad Informatics questions, and more.

Nguyen Duc Thinh, a student in the Information Technology program (class of 2021), expresses his excitement about joining the ITHUB Programming Club and the “A Day in the Life of a Data Scientist” talk show. He believes this will be a fantastic opportunity to learn, develop his skills, and solidify his future career path.

Programming is a rapidly growing and promising field for the future. Recognizing this trend, ITHUB aligns its activities with practical applications, helping students develop comprehensive skills, knowledge and confidently enter the competitive labor market. Establishing the ITHUB Programming Club is considered a significant step forward in promoting the learning and skill development movement for students, contributing to improving the quality of Information Technology training at the school.

By Hong Truc