On May 15th, 2012, Tra Vinh University (TVU) solemnly welcomed the delegation of the World Bank (WB) led by Ms. Carol C. Ball – Consultant, Human Resource Development Sector unit, East Asia and Pacific region, the WB; Dr. Sci. Eun Woo Park from CALS, Seoul National University, Korea; along with representative staff members from the MOET to pay a visit and to carry out the assessment to the TRIG project implemented at TVU. Mr. Le Van Don- Vice rector of TVU, other TRIG Management Board of TVU and representatives of related faculties and offices of TVU received the delegation.
At the welcome of the delegation, Ms. Tieu Thanh Thuy- member TRIG Management Board of TVU presented the report of the results and the impact of the implementation of TRIG project at TVU. Thanks to the TRIG project, many TVU lecturers and staff got the opportunities to improve their qualification; more international collaborated and scientific research activities developed and more facilities for teaching and learning sponsored to build at TVU.
On behalf of the delegation of the WB, Ms. Carol C. Ball suggested TVU’s leaders finding more sponsors and other international educational institutions to collaborate besides the WB aiming at bringing more chances to study and to research for TVU’s students and lecturers.
On this occasion, the delegation paid visits to the facilities of TVU faculties and departments thanks to the TRIG project. Ms. Carol C. Ball gave high assessment on the effective application of TVU in using the supports from TRIG project. Also, TVU expressed great gratitude to the government, the MOET and the WB and expressed the kind expectation to continue to receive more supports to help TVU strengthen the progress and development of TVU.
Written by: Thảo Ly, Huỳnh Sang