TVU produces automatically remote temperature monitoring devices


(TVU)- To help prevent the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, a research group of Tra Vinh University has produced automatically remote temperature monitoring devices. 

Mr. Nghi Vinh Khanh, head of the research group said: “This device automatically measures the height of the person who is being measured when he/she moves into the right position. Then, the system will automatically display his/her temperature information on the screen.” 

After being measured, the person will continue to walk over to the side of the disinfectant solution container for hands cleaning. 

This product of the research group has a very low cost compared to many similar devices on the market but still ensures all necessary features of an automatically remote temperature monitoring device.

“The automatic remote temperature monitoring devices will be installed and put into use at TVU main campus, TVU hospital, TVU dormitory, its related departments and community in need”, said Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh, TVU Rector. 

Ngoc Thu