Tra Vinh University students secure prestigious ERASMUS+ scholarships for study in Norway

TVU – Five outstanding students from Tra Vinh University (TVU) are set to embark on an enriching academic journey as recipients of the highly coveted Global Mobility scholarship under the European Union’s Erasmus+ program. These scholars will spend a semester at the University of Stavanger (UiS) in Norway, marking a significant milestone in the student and employee exchange project between TVU and UiS.

The accomplished recipients represent diverse academic fields:

  1. Lê Khánh Trình (Logistics)
  2. Phạm Trương Mỹ Tâm (International Trade)
  3. Đỗ Ngọc Sa Huỳnh (Pharmacy)
  4. Nguyễn Thanh Khiết (Mechanical Engineering)
  5. Trần Đăng Triều Vũ (Economic Law)

Lê Khánh Trình, Phạm Trương Mỹ Tâm, and Đỗ Ngọc Sa Huỳnh are set to participate at the undergraduate level, while Nguyễn Thanh Khiết and Trần Đăng Triều Vũ will engage in graduate-level studies.

The selection process for this prestigious scholarship is rigorous, requiring candidates to demonstrate academic excellence and proficiency in European languages. The comprehensive scholarship package covers tuition fees, living expenses, round-trip airfare, and accommodation, ensuring a fully supported study abroad experience.

The exchange semester at the University of Stavanger is scheduled to run from August 12, 2024, to December 14, 2024, providing students with an immersive international academic experience.

This initiative is part of a broader collaborative project between Tra Vinh University and the University of Stavanger, funded by ERASMUS+. The program offers long-term exchange scholarships for students (one semester) and short-term exchange opportunities for lecturers, fostering international academic cooperation and cultural exchange.

ERASMUS+, also known as ERASMUS Plus, is one of Europe’s most prestigious full scholarship programs, facilitating cooperation between universities and higher education institutions worldwide. The program aims to provide global opportunities for exceptional students whose academic profiles align with their objectives, enabling them to participate in exchange programs at European universities.

By Lan Anh