Units of TVU



1. Party Committee
Tra Vinh University’s Party Committee leads the university in implementing the guidelines and policies of the party and government laws.

2. Labor Union
The Labor Union of Tra Vinh University represents the staff. The Union is responsible for protecting the legal and legitimate rights, caring for its members’ physical and mental needs, and building harmonious and stable relations among the labor unionists.

3. Youth Union – Student Association
The Youth Union – Student Association of TVU is the organization that represents the aspirations of the youth and students who are studying at TVU. The general goal of this organization is to unite and mobilize the youth and students, protect the legal rights of members, ensure the environment for the youth and students to learn actively, and improve their moral and political ability and other soft skills. The Youth Union–Student Association office is responsible for exchanging information between the union members, youth, students, and units in and outside the university to perform its functions and tasks efficiently.

4. University Scientific Council
The council has a counseling function, helping the Rector in developing scientific and technology research; launching the annual research orientation; promulgating regulations of science and technology activities based on the existing law of science of Vietnam; managing financial resources by public, lawful and effective funding utilities; monitoring and evaluating the implementation of science and technology plan in Tra Vinh University; advising to reward the outstanding scientific projects, inventions and discoveries; proposing investment project for equipped facilities and laboratories serving scientific to support research activities of TVU staff and learners.

5. University Advisory Council
The council has the counseling function, helping the Rector in making the annual plan and the 5-year plan, as well as supporting strategic development and enhancing the ability and reputation of TVU; giving advice on new programs; providing assistance to the training programs based on the needs of the labor market and economic development in the province and neighboring places; establishing the sustainable cooperation between the companies and TVU; helping the graduates with job placements; providing possible contacts with scientists, professors, and experts in Vietnam and overseas who can support and give an assessment on the training programs, curriculum and teaching methodology of the university; initiating the awards/scholarships and getting the funding from individuals and organizations for the students with great efforts and best results.

6. University Academic Council
The Academic Council has the function of counseling the Rector in all academic affairs, such as defining university academic strategies; establishing short-term and long-term plans related to opening, adjusting, improving, or suspending training programs; suggesting responsibility assignment, allocation of resources, and accountability to implement the training programs.


The main missions of Departments and Faculties:
– Developing training programs, teaching and learning plans; organizing training and other educational activities of the university.
– Organizing tech-scientific activities; actively exploring international cooperation projects; collaborating with tech-scientific institutions; managing teachers, staff, and students in the schools.
– Carrying out surveys, labour needs assessment, linking faculties and departments, instructors and employers, businesses, and workers to close gaps between training programs and reality and responsive to employers’ needs; performing management on quality, content, training methods, and scientific research.
– Developing programs, handouts, teaching materials. Researching on improving teaching and learning methods; proposing additional plans, teaching, practice, practicum, and scientific experiment equipment maintenance.
– Developing plans and organizing the work of political education, ideology, morals, and lifestyle for lecturers, teachers, officials, staff, and students, fostering professional qualifications for trainers, teachers, officials, and employees of the schools.
– Using facilities and technical equipment in the school safely and effectively.
– Collaborating with other departments, faculties, and units in Tra Vinh University; keeping strong links with social communities, employers, and individual units in the country and abroad to enhance the reputation and position of Tra Vinh University.
Tra Vinh University has been implementing 50 Bachelor programs, 26 Master and 10 Doctoral programs. Besides the general missions, each school has implemented detailed activities to ensure the quality of specific training programs managed by the schools.

1. College of Economics and Law (CEL)

2. College of Southern Khmer Language, Culture, Art and Humanity (CLASKA)

3. College of Medicine and Pharmacy (CMP)

4. School of Agriculture and Aquaculture

4. School of Engineering and Technology (SET)

5. School of Foreign Languages 

6. School of Applied Chemistry

7. School of Political Theory

9. School of Foundation Science

10. School of Physical Education

11. School of Pre – University


1. Department of Administration
The office has a counseling function, helping the Rector conduct and carry out the organizational plan. It is the place for administrating and exchanging information between the Rector Board and other offices as well as staff and students in the university.

2. Department of Human Resources Management
The office has a counseling function, helping the Rector in administrating the human resources of Tra Vinh University in terms of planning, recruiting, training, cultivating, and evaluating the staff, ensuring the implementation of the governmental policies and regulations related to the staff effectively.

3. Department of Financial Affairs
The office’s function is to help the Rector develop and manage the university’s financial plans. The office inspects the university’s revenue, expenditures, and financial planning work.
The office is also responsible for managing, receiving, and using effectively all the expenses from the government budget and monitoring expenses from the revenue and other sources according to the government regulations about financial management.

4. Department of Facilities Management
The office has the counseling function to help the Rector manage, purchase, repair, and maintain basic facilities of the university for serving the courses of training and scientific research of all the staff and students in the university.
The office is responsible for developing plans to manage the facilities and equipment in the university, inspecting the purchasing process, and maintaining and using the materials and equipment in all the departments, faculties, classrooms, laboratories, offices, etc.

5. Department of Student Affairs
The office is responsible for practicing special policies for unprivileged students, selecting merit students for business donors’ scholarships, and implementing the discipline–incentive rules. It organizes and provides students with study-related consultation and services such as health care services or accommodations for boarding students.

6. Department of Academic Affairs
The office has a counseling function, helping the Rector plan short-term and long-term programs at the university. It has the role of organizing, conducting, carrying out, evaluating, and supervising all the teaching and studying work; taking part in considering and proposing the training purposes, training program, vocational structures, training method, and scale; as well as developing the necessary material basis for teaching and studying courses.

7. Department of Assessment
The office has a counseling function, including helping the Rector in organizing all activities within TVU’s testing and examination system, coordinating with faculties to organize tests and examinations and developing question banks/test resources for different subjects, particularly basic or foundation subjects, improving testing/examination methods for more relevance to academic purposes; building procedures for testing, final examination, graduations.

8. Department of Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance Department has a counseling function, including helping the Rector in building and employing the internal quality assurance system effectively; cooperating with related units to exchange experiences and implement suitable national and international quality standards; recommending the Rector Board measures and innovative processes to enhance the training quality; coordinating self-assessment activities at the university and program level.

9. Department of Supervision and Legislation
The office has a counseling function, including helping the Rector in inspecting education and training activities to improve the efficiency of management and ensure the implementation of the law effectively; organizing suitable self-inspection activities by the current regulations of the State, the Ministry of Education and Training for Tra Vinh University.

10. Department of International Collaboration and Project Promotion
The office has a counseling function helping the Rector in organizing and implementing international collaboration activities; developing cooperative relations of TVU to conform to the law of Vietnam and International circular; drafting and signing of international cooperative projects, planning the annual international cooperation; holding international conferences and workshops, participating international educational organizations and scientific & technological organizations according to Vietnam’s government’s regulations and MOET’s regulations.

11. Department of Scientific Research Affairs
The office has the counseling function, helping the Rector manage all scientific activities and technology fields; planning and developing orientations of short-term, medium-term, and long-term scientific research; organizing scientific operations and technology; organizing activities on the intellectual property of TVU.

12. Department of University Resident Administration
The office has a counseling function to help the Rector organize and manage all activities related to boarding students to ensure that they have a safe and comfortable living and learning environment.

13. Department of Gender and Community
The office has a counseling function that helps the Rector build the operating plans, arrange and deploy programs in gender and ethnicity for staff and students, and combine them with the functional board and local government to implement the gender and community development projects effectively.

14. Department of IT Development
The unit has a counseling function, helping the Rector in developing information technology infrastructure to serve the entire university’s activities; managing Server system and Network system; supporting staff/faculties to build individual Websites and IT helpdesk; repairing IT devices for staff; providing IT solution to serve the community (inside and outside of the Tra Vinh University) involving building Web/Desktop/smartphone applications, Internet of things, Automation system, …

15. Department of Post-Graduate Studies
The office has a counseling function helping the Rector in managing and administrating master and doctoral programs of Tra Vinh University, the form of short-term training and professional training to graduate; organizing the training, testing, and performance on learning modules; managing all the feedback, advises to construct and develop teaching and learning programs from faculties and schools.

16. Department of Communication and Community Engagement (CCE)
The center is responsible for communication affairs, website development, student engagement, and branding for the university; producing media publications and providing training programs relating to communication, website development, and public relations to potential students and interested institutions and individuals; organizing and managing events of the university, promoting its branding to communities, international institutions, and organizations.

17. TVU Scientific Journal
The journal aims to provide a serious platform for scientists, staff, and students of Tra Vinh University, as well as other institutions, to publish their research results and continuously work on improving the publication procedure as well as the qualities of the articles to be recognized as a prolific platform for scientific publications.


1. Resource Development Institute (RDI)
RDI is responsible for conducting research and training activities, consulting and offering technical services to communities, and contributing to developing resources for society and TVU.
The institute is responsible for assisting the Rector in organizing and managing training activities, coordinating with other institutions to offer online and distance learning programs and other continuing education programs, organizing scientific research activities and applying the science into reality, organizing production services, technical consultancy, and technological transfer to contribute to the development of resources of Tra Vinh University.

2. TVU Hospital
TVU Hospital, with a new medical examination and treatment model, has provided high-quality medical services combined with training and scientific research to meet social needs.
In addition to the main function of medical examination and treatment, TVU Hospital is also a practical training facility for health sciences students at Tra Vinh University. The students can do scientific research, participate in research projects on public health and epidemiology, or coordinate with health facilities in the province to regularly perform disease prevention tasks and epidemic prevention, such as health promotion and education for the community. The hospital has a team of highly qualified personnel, equipment, and infrastructure suitable for the degree of its operation.

3. Laboratory School (LAB School)
Laboratory School is responsible for organizing teaching and learning activities for elementary, secondary, and high school levels according to the curriculum issued by the MOET; organizing activities such as instructing international interns and volunteers, students and teachers from the Faculty of Education; generating a proper educational environment for teachers and students to do research, improving and renovating teaching methodology; taking care and bringing up young learners.

4. Victory Center for Information Technology and Foreign Languages
The center is responsible for improving foreign languages and informatics for TVU staff, students, and locals who want to participate in teaching activities, scientific research, postgraduate studies, work with foreign specialists, go on business abroad, etc.

5. Center of Science Research, Services and Productions (CSP)
The center is responsible for assisting in training and scientific research, combining training with scientific research, labor, and production; organizing scientific research activities and implementing the application and transfer of technology to meet the training, production, and business needs of organizations and individuals in the province and other areas outside the province; introducing jobs to students from TVU and individuals who need employees; offering short-term training courses.

6. Center for Training Partnerships
The center is responsible for creating and maintaining the connection amongst secondary vocational training schools, colleges, and universities in and outside Tra Vinh province to carry out in-service training programs and transfer courses from college to university level and postgraduate courses.

7. Center of Excellence in Learning Resources and Innovation (CELRI)
The Center of Excellence in Learning Resources and Innovation (CELRI) supports departments in curriculum development and cooperative education, supports teachers in student-centered teaching and E-Learning, and trains students in soft skills.

8. International Education Institute (IEI)
The International Education Institute (IEI) at Tra Vinh University manages international education programs. It recruits students, coordinates with foreign institutions, organizes study-abroad consultations, and provides support services. IEI focuses on inbound and outbound international education, offering programs in Vietnam and facilitating overseas study opportunities.

9. Center for Career
The center provides career support and services to students from application to graduation and finding jobs. It helps students gain real-work experiences while studying at the university, prepares them for the working world, and makes the connections that could ignite their careers”.

10. Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE)
The center, operated in association with TVU’s Youth Union, empowers all TVU Schools undergraduate and graduate students to advance their entrepreneurial ideas for the benefit of our economy and society; offers innovation courses, workshops, competitions, and other curricula and events that expose students to the concepts of technology innovation and marketplace impact.

11. Center for Product Analyzing and Testing
The center is a scientific business unit responsible for providing services of analyzing, testing, and researching in fields related to chemistry and materials, as well as training and retraining analyzed skills for interested organizations and individuals.

12. Center for Education in National Defense and Security
The center is responsible for advising the Rector Board in the National Defense and local military affairs following the local Military Affair Agency and the directions of the Ministry of National Defense; coordinating with other institutions in training teachers and students in National Defense; implementing the National Defense and military activities in the local area.

13. Center for Training and Enterprise Cooperation (CTEC)
The center is responsible for organizing counseling programs on studying abroad, international collaboration training, English training following the national standard and Common European Framework of Reference; coordinating with businesses and functional units to implement various social, flexible educational activities to meet their needs; investigating about community’s learning need, knowledge and skills enrichment and coordinating with other educational institutes on training courses to meet community’s needs and demands.

14. Center for Climate Change Adaption Research and Community Development Support (CRCS)
The center is responsible for research on climate change adaptation in Tra Vinh province and surrounding areas, coordinating with relevant agencies and localities on advisory for agriculture, fishery, and industry, providing suitable training courses to raise incomes for local people, and designing and constructing environmental processing systems.

15. Center of Human Resource Training in Health (CRT)
The Center of Human Resource Training in Health (CRT) focuses on organizing training courses for healthcare professional titles according to Circular 03/2022/TT-BYT; providing Continuing Medical Education (CME) as per Circular 32/2023/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health; Conducting short-term training, skill transfer, and professional development in healthcare based on social needs.

16. Institute of Environmental Sciences & Technology
The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology is a unit within Tra Vinh University tasked with organizing, implementing, and supervising research and application programs of new technologies and technological measures to preserve the working environment. At the same time, the Institute is responsible for educating and training highly qualified human resources in environmental technology and other related fields as required by law, as well as providing scientific and technological consulting, education, and training in environmental protection.

17. Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (IEST)
The Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (IEST) at Tra Vinh University has the following functions: Managing environmental research and technology applications, providing high-level training in environmental technology, and offering consulting and educational services in environmental protection.

18. Center for Legal Advice TVU
The Center for Legal Advice TVU (CLAT) at Tra Vinh University was established on October 6, 2021. It serves as a platform for faculty, staff, and students to practice professional skills in real-world settings, enhancing the quality of education in Economics and Law. The center aims to provide legal support to businesses and residents in Tra Vinh province and the Mekong Delta region.

19. Center of Logistics and E-commerce Training (CLEC)
The CLEC at Tra Vinh University focuses on developing relationships with local entities, businesses, and households to provide short-term training, collaborative education, services, consulting, and project promotion in Logistics, Supply Chain Management, E-commerce, and related fields. 

20. Center of Community Sevice
The Center of Community Service is a specialized unit designed to systematize and professionalize community service activities, develop and implement community service policies, evaluate effectiveness and measure stakeholder satisfaction, support the university’s mission of providing quality learning opportunities, and contribute to quality accreditation and global university ranking processes.