Workshop on questionaire design and professional journal writing

On May 3rd,  2012, the workshop on skills of writing an international research was held at Tra Vinh University with the attendance of over 200 lecturers of  TVU. This workshop was presented by Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan- coming from Garvan Medical Research Institute, New South Wales University of Sydney- Australia. At the workshop, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan shared the experiences and strategies on designing a questionnaire in doing scientific research and professional journal.

With his experience, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan provided the participants with the charateristics of a questionaire. He also guided TVU lecturers in choosing a reliable journal to publish their research.

The presentation of Prof. Dr. NguyenVan Tuan at the workshop was very useful for TVU lecturers in doing research and writing for a professional journal. On behalf of TVU leaders,

Mr. Tran Hoan Kim-president of TVU Advisory Council  expressed the gratitude to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Van Tuan for his support and sharing.

                                                                            Written by: Trần Hồng, Huỳnh Sang