TVU – On May 18, in commemoration of the 133rd birthday of President Ho Chi Minh (May 19, 1890 – May 19, 2023) and the 54th anniversary of implementing Uncle Ho’s Will (1969 – 2023), the youth delegation from Tra Vinh University, led by Dr. Thạch Thị Dân, Vice-Rector of the University, paid their respects to Uncle Ho at the Temple of President Ho Chi Minh in Long Duc, Tra Vinh City.
The delegation offered flowers, incense, and newspapers as a gesture of deep gratitude and admiration for the remarkable contributions of President Ho Chi Minh, the esteemed leader of the Vietnamese nation, the hero of national liberation, a world-renowned cultural figure, and the beloved father of the nation.
Accompanying Dr. Thạch Thị Dân in the delegation were Mr. Nguyen Van Long, Chief of the Party Committee’s Office at the University, Ms. Phạm Lê Phương Thảo, Standing Member of the Provincial Youth Union and Secretary of the Youth Union, the President of the University’s Student Union, as well as members from various committees and unions associated with the Youth Union and Student Union at the university.
With solemnity, the delegation respectfully presented incense and flowers at the Temple of President Ho Chi Minh, paying tribute to the remarkable accomplishments and achievements of the university’s youth. The students have excelled in their professional activities while actively participating in union and youth movements. The work of the Union and Association, as well as youth and student movements, has been continuously renewed, enhancing the quality of content and modes of operation. They have diligently educated and trained union members, fostering the development of political awareness, moral courage, ethical behavior, and necessary skills among the youth. Furthermore, they have played an active role in various tasks and fields, contributing to the improvement of education quality, scientific research, and community service activities.
Additionally, the delegation from Tra Vinh University had the opportunity to visit the relics of Uncle Ho’s Temple and the exhibition house dedicated to President Ho Chi Minh’s illustrious career.
By Thy Truong