(TVU) – 20.10.2016, the University Rector Board had a formal meeting with Representatives from Singaporean Enterprises consisting of Ms. Velle Niqo Tay, the Managing Director of the VNT Global Consulting and Mr. Song Thiam Chiok, the Senior Regional Manager of Singaporean DH limited liability company. Depth discussions of co-operative opportunities in fields of workforce training for hospitality and tourism were carried out.

Ms. Velle Niqo Tay was pleased to inform that Tra Vinh University is recognized as one of Singaporean companies’ potential partners in investing programs for human resources consulting and training in hospitality and tourism.
Ms. Phung Thi Phuong Khanh, the Dean of School of Office Administration – Vietnamese Studies – Library, responded that the School has currently offered the Tourism Management program at Tra Vinh University. Ms. Khanh also revealed that this program is expected to train highly qualified workforce for tourism sector.
Additionally, Ms. Khanh informed that the school is going to host several important events in the near future including a Vietnamese – Japanese cross-cultural program and a conference on training highly qualified workforce for tourism development in Tra Vinh city.
On behalf of Tra Vinh University, the Vice-rector of TVU – Mr. Vo Hoang Khai expressed his pleasure with the productive outcomes of the meeting between TVU and the representatives from Singaporean companies. Mr. Khai also considered this meeting is a promising start for further co-operative opportunities between TVU and other Singaporean enterprises.

By: Huynh, Ngoc Tai – TVU School of Foreign Languages