On May 28th, 2012, at campus I of Tra Vinh University (TVU), Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung- Vice Rector of TVU conducted resigning MOU with Dr. Graham Pike- Dean, International Education of Vancouver Island University (VIU). The content of this MOU is also similar to the previous one.

At the ceremony, Dr. Graham Pike stated that the similarities in the broad way of development in terms of the training fields, the objectives and the mission of two universities were the factors bringing the success to the collaboration between TVU and VIU. He also showed his pleasure when knowing that TVU always wants to collaborate with different partners to give the best serving for the learners in the community.
In his speech at the Ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Tien Dung confirmed that TVU always shows consideration for the collaboration with VIU and hopes that this cooperation will be more sustainable development.
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