After the morning of meeting with Tra Vinh Provincial leaders on October 18, 2011, Prof. Dr. Sc. Bui Van Ga – Vice Minister of Education & Training and the delegation came to visit and worked with TVU Rector Board in the afternoon of the same day. Mr. Tran Hoan Kim- President of TVU Advisory Council, members of Advisory Council and heads of Faculties and Offices welcomed the delegation.
At the meeting, TVU reported to the Deputy Minister and the delegation about the formation and development of TVU, its development strategy to 2015. Over ten years of applying community college model and 5 years of Tra Vinh university, TVU has gained some achievements in training and standardizing the provincial staff contributing to the development of local economy and the Mekong Delta’s. Besides, the cooperative training programs with the participants of industries and enterprises (Co-op model) have been successful in Vietnam and in other nations. The training program is linked with industry or enterprise needs, multi-level training, demanding the need of community. The result of the survey from labor market, the evaluation from companies/ enterprises, students, scientists in and outside the countries is authentic evidence.
On this occasion, Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh- Rector of TVU also suggested the Ministry of Education & Training(MOET) some ideas related to the orientation and development of TVU such as considering TVU as one of the key universities in the South West region, being invested in constructing and modernizing facilities of the university: student dormitory, electronic library, forming Faculty of Linguistics, culture and arts of Southern Khmer, having one or two international standard teaching programs, being recognized the success of TVU co-op model and popularize this model throughout Vietnam. Dr. Khanh also asked the MOET for helping the university in opening or linking to open some post graduate programs at TVU in order to develop the labor staff for Tra Vinh province and other places in the region.

At the meeting, Dr. Bui Van Ga highly appreciated the development of TVU and especially its training model, Co-op model and asked the university to expand this model in all fields of training at TVU and in the country. He answered that a few important proposals will be considered and proposed to National Assembly. However, he also reminded TVU when expanding training fields, the teaching staff needs to be trained more for fitting the short and long term plan. On behalf of TVU Advisory Council, Mr. Tran Hoan Kim accepted all the suggestions of Deputy Minister and requested TVU Rector board and teaching staff considering all the ideas of Dr. Ga and putting them in the development strategy of TVU.
The visit of the Deputy Minister and the delegation showed deep concern of MOET to Tra Vinh education in general and TVU in particular. On behalf of TVU, Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh addressed his sincere thanks to the Deputy Minister and the delegation’s visit at TVU and considers it as a motivation in developing TVU more.
Written by Thanh Son.