Approved by the MOET (Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam) and Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), on June 16th, 2012, Vietnam Association of Community Colleges (VACC) held a Conference to make a preliminary review the activities of thefirst six months of the year 2012 at STVC (SaiGon Tourism Vocational College) in District 10, HCMC. The Conference was honored to welcome Prof. Dr. Sci. Bui Van Ga- Vice Minister of the MOET, other representatives of the MOET, of the MOHA and all members of VACC.

Established in 2006, VACC had ten members which were universities, colleges and vocational schools in the whole country. Up to now, VACC includes 53 members and constantly strives to improve the quality of education management and training, to become a model of advanced education and training and to be a preeminent one in Vietnam.

At the meeting, Mr. Pham Phat- Vice President of VACC presented the report on the activities of VACC during the first six months such as admitting new members, exchanging among the members, strengthening and expanding collaboration with international organizations, proposing the regular regulations about Community College, etc. Overall, VACC has completed its plan in the first six months of 2012 and proposes the plan for the last six months of 2012.

In his speech at the Conference, Prof. Dr. Bui Van Ga affirmed that the community college model showed its effectiveness and suitability in Vietnam in training the human resource for the community. Besides, he also suggested VACC to advertising this model as well as its importance to public by the media.
On behalf of VACC, Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh- president of VACC sent thanks to the supporting of Ministries, Departments to VACC and expressed gratitude to the members in building successfully the community model in the previous time.

(Source VACC)