TVU Rector Board and Representatives from DU at the Ceremon
On July 17, 2011, at Lecture hall 1, Tra Vinh University(TVU) coordinated with the University of Da Nang (DU) held the opening ceremony for university classes – course 18 and graduation ceremony for college classes- course 16 majoring in Primary Teacher Education Distance learning. Attending the ceremony were Asso.Prof.Dr. Le The Gioi – Deputy Director of the Center of Continuant Education (CCE) – the University of Da nang, Dr. Pham Tiet Khanh – Rector of TVU; other TVU Vice Rectors and representatives of the departments of TVU, new College Bachelors and new students of course 18.
In recent years, TVU and CCE-DU has linked to open many classes in the form of distance learning, contributing to raise the professional level for the teaching staff of the province, carrying out the sl ogan “Bringing the quality education to the community.”

sso.Prof.Dr Le The Gioi giving diploma for a new Bachelor
At the ceremony, Dr. Truong Si Quy – Head of Academic Affairs Office of CCE, UD congratulated and publicized decisions to recognize students who matriculated university degree in form of distance learning – course 18 between the two schools. Also, TVU gave diplomas for 540 New Bachelors – Course 16 majoring in Primary Teacher Education who have completed college course distance learning system.

Mr. Vo Hoang Khai-Vice Rector of TVU congratulated new Bachelors and new students
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Vo Hoang Khai – Vice Rector of TVU congratulated the students who have just matriculated and New Bachelor of course 16. He also noted the results of cooperation between UD with TVU gaining in the recent years, hoping the relationship between the two units increasingly tight and durable. On behalf of Rector Board, Vice Rector Vo Hoang Khai promised to create favorable conditions to support the training to meet the teaching and learning, contributing to the training objectives and standardizing the staff, meeting the learning needs of the local and region.
News & photo: Thanh Son