Training on 3D Printing Technology


TVU – From June 17th to June 24th, 2023, the Faculty of Engineering and Technology organized a training program on 3D printing technology for six high schools and middle schools within and outside the province.

Teachers, students from high schools practice on 3D printers

The training course for teachers and high school students within and outside the province, aiming to enhance their awareness and skills in applying 3D printing technology in the field of design. In addition, this training program helped teachers and students understand and learn how to use 3D printers, utilize design software to create products, and provided practical examples of using 3D printers in teaching and learning activities. The program received enthusiastic attention, discussions, and exchanges from teachers and students.

The course has received positive feedback from the participants, as everyone is excited about the creative space. Apart from knowledge about 3D printing technology and its applications in various fields, the participants were also guided through practical exercises to create their own products using 3D printers.

Learning in-depth theoretical sessions on 3D printing technology
Highschool students observe the 3D printing process
Highschool students practice designing on computers