(TVU) – On October 10th and 11th,2020, the competition of rhetoric skills with the topic of “New age people” took place at Tra Vinh university attracting the participation and support of a large number of university and high school students.
The competition was held by the Teaching and Learning Center of Tra Vinh university under the sponsorship of the Start-up and Soft Skills Development Fund for TVU students. This competition was open to those who are students of Tra Vinh University and other high schools in Tra Vinh province. The contestants competed enthusiastically in the preliminary round with various topics including Industrial Revolution 4.0, Climate change, Global citizenship, Leaders in a new age, Kind and civilized lifestyle, Start-up, Labor and employment, …
Then, the 12 best students were selected by the jury to take part in the final round. The results of the competition were assessed according to both individual and group rhetoric competitions.
Huynh Nhat Minh, a student of class 11D in Nguyen Thien Thanh High School for the Gifted excellently won the first prize. The second prize belonged to Danh Hoang Nan, a student from the Faculty of Southern Khmer Language, Culture, and Arts. The third prize was awarded to Tran Hoang Thang, a student of grade 11D from Nguyen Thien Thanh High School for the Gifted.
Dr. Tieu Thanh Thuy, Director of the Teaching and Learning Center, said that: “The competition of rhetoric skills was widely launched among students in Tra Vinh province to create a healthy and useful playground for students, creating opportunities for them to practice and develop a public rhetoric skill.
On behalf of the jury, Dr. Tieu Thanh Thuy evaluated that most contestants were well-prepared both in the topics and contents; most candidates had a confident manner with a fluent presentation.
This year’s competition attracted many talented students and the support of a large audience who were students of Tra Vinh University and many high schools in Tra Vinh city.