Tra Vinh University: More than 600 students volunteer to support the 2022 National Highschool Graduation examination

(TVU) – The 2022 National Highschool Graduation examination took place in 2 days, from July 7 to July 8, 2022. To contribute to the success of this year’s exam, Tra Vinh University has mobilized more than 600 volunteers who are students of the university to participate in relaying and supporting candidates during the exam.

TVU has formed 31 volunteer teams to support the exam season. The teams were set to pick up and drop off candidates, maintain traffic order and safety at the school gates, and provide water, breakfast, masks, and all kinds of exam preparation for candidates. The school widely deployed information channels to receive support and mobilize all social resources to join hands to support candidates taking the high school graduation exam in 2022.

The program of exam season support in 2022 was renewed in the direction and implementation to best support for students. The affiliated units organized many activities to motivate the students before taking the graduation exam, creating the best conditions for candidates to take the exam with peace of mind, contributing to ensuring the final exam to be taken safely, strictly, and correctly.”

The volunteer teams, union, and youth members participating in the program promoted the spirit of volunteerism, actively guided and supported candidates and their families, completed the contents assigned and abided by the program’s rules, and ensured the requirements in terms of time.

Student Le Minh Giau, Secretary of the Youth Union of the Faculty of Southern Khmer Language – Culture – Art, Head of the Student Union Branch of Cau Ngang District, said: “The program of exam season support has become a meaningful volunteer activity with deep humanity, attracting the participation of a large number of union members, young people, and students, highly appreciated by society and creating a strong spillover effect; thereby creating an environment for young people and students to promote the spirit of volunteering, mutual affection, and a sense of responsibility to the community.

At the exam site of Ly Tu Trong Secondary School (Tra Vinh City), contestant Thach Chau Y, a student of the Ethnic Minority Boarding School and High School of Tra Vinh province, expressed: “Tra Vinh University’s volunteers are very enthusiastic. As soon as I arrived at the gate, I was warmly welcomed and guided by the volunteer brothers and sisters. They considered and helped us as their family members.”

According to the Provincial High School Examination Steering Committee, the whole province had 9,489 candidates registered to take the exam, of which 9,007 students of general education; 482 candidates of continuing education; 8,378 candidates registered to take the exam for both graduation and university admission; 781 candidates registered for the exam only for high school graduation; and the rest of the candidates registered for the exam only for university admission. The province has established 01 Examination Council with 30 official exam sites and 426 exam rooms. The exam sites were located at high and secondary schools in the province’s 09 districts, towns, and cities.

By My Nhien