No. |
Major |
Relevant Fields and Majors (no additional subject learning) |
Relevant Fields and Majors (Group 1: supplementary subject learning) |
Relevant Fields and Majors (Group 2: supplementary subject learning) |
1 |
Theory and Pedagogical Methods for Teaching Literature in Vietnamese Subjects |
a. Master’s and Bachelor’s level: Theory and Methodology of Teaching Literature
b. Bachelor’s level: Literature Pedagogy
- Educational Management
- Education Science
- Cultural Studies
- Literature Studies
- Vietnamese Literature
- Vietnamese Studies
- Literary Theory
- Psychology
- Theory and Methodology of Teaching
- Linguistics
2 |
Cultural Studies |
a. Master’s and Bachelor’s level:
- Cultural Studies
- Cultural Management
- Oriental Studies
- Vietnamese Studies
b. Bachelor’s level:
- Cultures of Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam
- Vietnamese Language and Culture
- Tourism and Travel Service Management
- Tourism
- Social Work
- Law
- Office Administration
- Public Relations
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- Religious Studies
- Philosophy
- History
- Linguistics
- Literature Pedagogy
- Political Science
- International Relations
- Scientific Socialism
- Geography
- Journalism
- Museum Studies
- Sociology
- Fashion Design
- Mass Communication
- Theory and Methodology of Teaching Literature
- Educational Management
- Education Science
- Vietnamese Literature
Other fields outside relevant/applicable |
3 |
Business Administration |
a. Master’s and Bachelor’s level:
- Business Administration
- Commercial Business
b. Bachelor’s level:
- Marketing
- Real Estate
- International Business
- E-commerce
- Fashion and Textile Business
- – Finance – Banking
- Insurance
- Accounting
- Management Science
- Public Policy
- Public Management
- Human Resource Management
- Management Information Systems
- Office Administration
- Scientific and Technological Management
Other fields outside relevant/applicable |
4 |
Economic Management |
- Economic Management
- Economics
- Political Economics
- Investment Economics
- Development Economics
- International Economics
- Economic Statistics
- Economic Mathematics
- Political Science
- Public Management
- Accounting
- International Relations
- Sociology
- Anthropology
- Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Geography
- International Studies
- Agricultural Economics
- Business Group
- Finance – Banking – Insurance Group
- Accounting – Auditing Group
- Management – Administration Group
- Industrial Management Group
- Construction Management Group
- Resource and Environmental Management Group
Other fields outside relevant/applicable |
5 |
Finance – Banking |
a. Master’s level:
- Finance – Banking
- Public Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Banking
- Insurance
b. Bachelor’s level:
- Finance – Banking
- Public Finance
- Corporate Finance
- Banking
- Insurance
- Securities
a. Master’s level:
- Business Administration
- Commercial Business
- Accounting
- Auditing
- Economics
- Political Economics
- Development Economics
- Investment Economics
- International Economics
- Economic Management
- Human Resource Management
b. Bachelor’s level:
- Business Administration
- Commercial Business
- Accounting
- Auditing
- Economics
- Political Economics
- Development Economics
- Investment Economics
- International Economics
- Economic Management
- Human Resource Management
Other fields outside relevant/applicable |
6 |
Rural Development |
a. Master’s and Bachelor’s level:
- Rural Development
- Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
b. Bachelor’s level:
- Agricultural and Rural Development
- Agricultural System
- Soil Science
- Animal Husbandry
- Plant Science (Crop Production)
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Science
- Agronomy
- Agricultural Economics
- Biology
- Ecology
- Sustainable Development
- Business Administration
- Economic Management
- Forestry
- Aquaculture
- Resource and Environmental Management
- Land Management
- Social Science
- Sociology
7 |
Veterinary Science |
- Veterinary Pharmacy
- Veterinary Livestock Farming
- Animal Husbandry
- Aquatic Animal Health
- Animal Physiology
- Aquaculture
- Animal Breeding Technology
- Livestock Feed Production Technology
8 |
Economic Law |
- Civil Law and Civil Litigation
- Economic Law
- Business Law
- Political Science and History of State and Law
- International Law
- Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- Constitution and Administrative Law
9 |
Theory and Methods of Teaching English Language |
Master’s and Bachelor’s level:
- English Pedagogy
- Theory and Methodology of Teaching English
- English Language (English/English Studies)
- Applied Linguistics in English
- British/English/American Literature
- Language Education
- Linguistics
- Educational Leadership
- Other fields beyond the correct/appropriate fields and closely related fields, trained in English under the condition:
- Have graduated with a Master’s degree and hold a valid IELTS international certificate with a minimum score of 6.5 (no component score below 6) or equivalent
- Or have graduated with a Master’s degree and have been trained full-time abroad or hold a foreign Master’s degree with English as the medium of instruction.
10 |
Information Technology |
a. Master’s and Bachelor’s level:
- Information Technology
- Information Security
- Information Technology Management
- Information System Management
- Computer Science
- Computer Networks and Data Communication
- Software Engineering
- Information Systems
- Computer Engineering
- Mathematical Foundations for Computer Science
- Computational Mathematics
- Computer Science Group
- Computer Engineering Group
- Data Science, Artificial Intelligence Group
- Information Management, Information System Group
b. Bachelor’s level:
- Computer Engineering Technology
- Data Science
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Science Pedagogy
- Electronic Engineering
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Control and Automation Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Cryptography
- Probability and Mathematical Statistics
- Computational Science
- Applied Mathematics
- Economic Statistics
- Economic Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Electronic Engineering, Telecommunication Group
- Control Engineering, Automation Group
- Electrical Engineering Group
- Medical Engineering Group
- Mathematics Group
- Applied Mathematics, Statistics Group
- Mathematics Education Group
- Theory and Methodology of Teaching Mathematics, Computer Science Group